My Services
Leadership & Executive Coaching
Leadership coaching leads to success, resolves challenges, and achieves goals. New possibilities emerge. Coaching enhances personal resources, opens new perspectives, and activates personal development processes.

Teambuilding & Workshops
Teambuilding and workshops lead to solutions, new opportunities, and the achievement of goals. Challenges are mastered and the team spirit is strengthened – all with joy and ease!

Corporate Trainings & Keynotes
In coporate trainings and keynotes, content is conveyed in a lively manner and with practical examples. Contents include: establishing brain-friendly leadership and feedback – developing an agile mindset – establishing coaching as a leadership tool – reducing conflicts – strengthening…

My keynotes are interactive, allowing for genuine experiences. As a trained actor, I captivate my audience and connect with them through my authentic style. All of my work and training content is offered as inspiring keynote speeches.

Life Coaching
No matter what emotions or issues prevent you from acting in a self-determined way, Life Coaching activates your resources, enables you to act and gives you confidence.

Public Seminars (in German only)
Seminars enable participants to boost their personal development and gain new perspectives about themselves. I offer public systemic constellation seminars and seminars on emotions (Alba Emoting) and self-regulation.

What benefits does leadership or team coaching bring?
How do you manage to stay vibrant, self-determined, capable of action, yet calm and healthy at the same time? What does a team need to flourish and overcome resistance? Why is it difficult to change oneself, others, a team, or an organization? What does it take to make it easier?
Coaching activates resources and strengthens the self-efficacy of individuals, teams, and organizations.

«Being yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.»
Ralph Waldo Emerson