Corporate Trainings & Keynotes
An organization’s ability and its leadership to learn, is crucial for the long-term success of a business.
My trainings and keynotes are lively, interactive, practical, and action-oriented. They activate positive emotions and provide valuable insights.
I always ensure that the brain receives what it needs for effective learning. I call this “brain-friendly.”
What contents and formats do I offer?
The contents of my offer revolve around interpersonal competence, brain-friendly leadership, self-leadership, communication, mindset, change, or emotional fitness.
My offer ranges from training design, training implementation, Train-the-Trainer seminars, keynote speeches, teaser workshops, to video productions for online learning platforms. Everything is always “brain-friendly” and developed in co-creation with my clients.
Training Contents
Interpersonal Competence
- Conducting difficult conversations – with the brain in mind!
- Deciding successfully together
- Resolving conflicts – agreeing to disagree
- What exactly is a mindset and how can it be changed
- Agile working with an agile mindset
- Values: valuable or valueless?
Brain-Friendly Leadership
- Leading with the brain in mind
- Asking instead of telling – coaching for leaders
- Self-leadership: steering one’s own thinking, feeling, and behavior
- Self-management with the Zurich Resource Model
- Brain-friendly feedback
- Communicating & presenting effectively and authentically
- Change with the brain in mind – how change and learning succeed
- Cultural change – in one year!
Emotional Fitness
- Emotion regulation with Alba Emoting
- Dealing with stress – relaxed even under pressure
Training Design
In a time of an abundance of new concepts and simultaneously scarce time resources, it is important to focus the goals on the essentials and choose contents and formats in such a way that the greatest possible impact of a training or a learning journey is guaranteed.
With my many years of experience, I support my clients in the development of new training formats and learning journeys, whether as a consultant, idea generator, or as a developer of content and journeys.
Book a free introductory meeting now.
Training Execution
Thanks to hundreds of training days with thousands of participants, I know what it takes to motivate a group of participants to learn and keep the energy high throughout a training session.
On-site trainings combined with virtual formats, self-reflection, everyday experiments, and possibly peer coaching provide the best conditions to ensure that the invested resources yield a sustainable impact.
As an experienced trainer, I offer to my clients Train-the-Trainer programs. I share my knowledge and expertise with in-house trainers so they can effectively deliver the content I’ve developed.
These programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of the organization or industry.
Overall, Train-the-Trainer programs aim to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively convey on information or skills to others, thus helping organizations to support learning and growth throughout.
Video Productions
In collaboration with the in-house media production or external partners, I produce content and formats for my clients on specific learning topics for their internal learning platforms.
Content, financial, and time constraints define the framework for the joint development of production content with my clients.
Some examples can be found in the “Media/Videos” section.
My keynotes are interactive, allowing for genuine experiences. As a trained actor, I captivate my audience and connect with them through my authentic style. All of my work and training content is offered as inspiring keynote speeches.
Brain-Friendly - to make learning easier
I focus on sustainable, “brain-friendly” approaches in all my events. Why? Because neurology makes clear statements about what is needed for “something to stick” in a brain, i.e., for learning and growth to occur.
In my trainings, workshops, and coaching, I always consider what the brain needs to learn.
That’s why my events are interactive, experience-based, activate positive emotions, are resource-oriented, and include repetitions – the theoretical input is minimized and conveyed as experience-based as possible. I call this “brain-friendly”.
Schedule an appointment
Book an appointment or a free introductory meeting. I look forward to meeting you.